...on Gear

I’ve done a kit list! But why?

Kit lists. They seem to be everywhere. And especially at this time of year (April/May) when the TGO Challenge is imminent. But why have a kit list at all? To answer that question you’d need to ask the individual who wrote their kit list as reasons vary. However, the most common reasons seem to be […]

...on Gear ...on Hiking

Backpacking: Does it weigh heavily on your mind as well as your back?

“2.4 Pound Extreme Ultralight Backpacking on the Appalachian Trail” Source “Six Lessons From the Ultralight Backpacking Movement” Source It seems every week there is another article, blog post, tweet or forum debate extolling the virtues of ultralight (UL) backpacking written by self proclaimed experts, amateurs and experienced backpackers alike. From ‘common sense’ advice such as […]

...on Gear My Thoughts

Thoughts: An ‘Extreme’ Problem Solved – Solar Power

Solar Powered Hiking When hiking for more than a day in remote areas I, like a lot of other hikers, find energy a problem. Not the energy to hike (although my 28 day 500 mile hike across Spain in September 2012 might challenge that assertion!), but rather the energy to power my electronic devices. Click […]