Accompanied Adventures My Adventures

Day 1 of hiking the North Wales Pilgrim’s Way

Friday, 23rd July 2021 Today Stuart (@LoneWalkerUK) and I started section hiking the North Wales Pilgrim’s Way. It’s a different kind of trail to what we’d normally hike insomuch as I chose this particular route. Normally I’m happy for Stuart to decide where we go, however I’d wanted somewhere other than the Yorkshire Dales (Stuart’s […]

Accompanied Adventures Solo Adventures

Cape Wrath…Here I Come!

At 6am tomorrow (Thursday 23rd May) I’ll be setting off for my long awaited Cape Wrath Trail adventure. It’s been 9 years since I decided to hike this trail and finally the day has (almost) arrived! Here’s a short update of kit etc… I will be driving to Kinlochewe first to pick up Stuart, who’s […]

...on Hiking My Adventures

Why I’m back(pack)ing the Cape Wrath Trail.

I’ve been backpacking for over 30 years now and walked half of the Pennine Way when I was just 15 years old. I have since walked many of England’s long distance trails as well as hiked in Europe over the years, but have done little backpacking in Scotland. I am now looking for more challenging […]

...on Gear ...on Hiking

Backpacking: Does it weigh heavily on your mind as well as your back?

“2.4 Pound Extreme Ultralight Backpacking on the Appalachian Trail” Source “Six Lessons From the Ultralight Backpacking Movement” Source It seems every week there is another article, blog post, tweet or forum debate extolling the virtues of ultralight (UL) backpacking written by self proclaimed experts, amateurs and experienced backpackers alike. From ‘common sense’ advice such as […]

My Adventures Solo Adventures

Standedge to Mankinholes: Day 3 of my 50th Anniversary #PennineWay hike

Date: Saturday 24 May 2015 Standedge to Mankinholes. Approx 15 miles.     What a difference a night makes! Only a few hours before I had been sitting with Silka and Annette outside The Carriage House enjoying drinks in the sunshine and here I am the following morning taking a picture of these two delightful ladies in […]

My Adventures Solo Adventures

Torside to Standedge: Day 2 of my 50th anniversary #pennineway hike

Date: Friday 23 May 2015 Torside to Standedge. Approx 16 miles.   “Are you @PilgrimChris?“ These were the words that greeted me as I sat eating a full English breakfast at Torside Old House B&B this morning. It isn’t the first time I have been approached with this question – my Twitter account is very […]

Solo Adventures

Edale to Torside: Day 1 of my 50th anniversary #pennineway hike

Date: Friday 22 May 2015 Edale to Torside. Approx 15 miles.   So… back on the Pennine Way again. This is my third attempt to thru-hike this iconic trail from Edale in the heart of the Peak District to Kirk Yetholm on the Scottish side of the England/Scotland border. I have section walked 95% of […]