Book Reviews Feature Uncategorised

‘High And Low’ by @KeithFoskett: #BooksForFollowers Giveaway No.1

My first #BooksForFollowers Giveaway book is the excellent High and Low by Keith Foskett. This book is special to me on a few levels… not least because Fozzie signed it for me. I’ve read all of Fozzie’s books; I have them in digital format and his audiobooks too, but this one resonated on a more […]

Feature Uncategorised

#BooksForFollowers Giveaway.

Remember, a book is always a gift Sheridan Hay I’m giving away books! The premise is simple. Once I’ve read a book I will send it, by post, to one of my followers free of charge. If you would like to be in the draw for any of the books I give away then all […]

Book Reviews Reviews

Book Review: Rattlesnakes and Bald Eagles – Hiking The Pacific Crest Trail by Chris Townsend

Way back in 1982, at the tender age of 15, I attempted my very first long distance hike and backpacking adventure – The Pennine Way – England’s first designated National Trail. I was inspired by a man who has since become arguably the UK’s premier authority on long distance hiking and backpacking  Chris Townsend.  In the same year […]