My first #BooksForFollowers Giveaway book is the excellent High and Low by Keith Foskett. This book is special to me on a few levels… not least because Fozzie signed it for me. I’ve read all of Fozzie’s books; I have them in digital format and his audiobooks too, but this one resonated on a more […]
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#BooksForFollowers Giveaway.
Remember, a book is always a gift Sheridan Hay I’m giving away books! The premise is simple. Once I’ve read a book I will send it, by post, to one of my followers free of charge. If you would like to be in the draw for any of the books I give away then all […]

PurifiCup® Portable Natural Water Purifier I was recently sent a PurifiCup® Portable Natural Water Purifier to test after I responded to a Tweet from @PurifiCup_eu alerting me to this ‘new to the UK’ water filtration system. I contacted PurifiCup® via email offering to test and review this intriguing water purification system during a two week […]